Blah blah blah!

The ramblings of Luku

I got no inspiration!!!

July 19 2007, 12:56 PM

So far, I've only made about 3 new layouts and thats it! I either find no time (because I've been working all summer) or no inspiration. Then my other problem is that my computer is messing up on me and I need a new computer, which I can't get yet because I don't have the money for it because all my money has gone into my new apartment. So that sucks really hard. Then on the other hand I do have ideas in my head, but they are so many I don't know where to start at first, and I'm also new at this whole thing, and I don't have that much experiance, I'm just thinking of all these things at a mile a minute and if you could see me right now or read this the way I'm writing I'm really just rambling on and on and on. Whoever decides to read this is a brave soul and probably just thinks I'm either crazy or a big dork. I am a combination of both. But you have to be in order to survive life.


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Last update Jul 19, 2007

